Monday, October 4, 2010

News from the Hospital

Give thanks with us! On September 22, Bishop Duracin came to Leogane and after a worship and communion service, blessed the hospital and reopened it for in-patient care. The week before the blessing was a time of great excitement at HSC. Last minute preparations, in addition to the regular hospital outpatient activities added to the enthusiasm. The cooks in the guesthouse were up all night prior to the opening, cooking soup joumou, making muffins and banana bread, and everyone was doing last minute cleaning and making beds. The hospital looked almost elegant, with colorful quilts on the beds. The electrical and plumbing systems were checked one last time, crib mattresses were picked up, the hallway plants watered, and the outside paint touched up. The next night, there were two patients in the hospital, a woman patient, and a pediatric patient. Doctors and nurses have been scheduled around the clock, and there have even been a couple of procedures done in the two operating rooms.

There is life all around the hospital. The day clinic, x-ray, and labs are still working, and seeing over 150 patients each day. The Children’s Nutrition Program moved their re-nourishment program back into the old operating rooms of the hospital early in September, and there are mothers and babies and children everywhere, both in-patient and outpatient. Even on the street in front of the hospital, you can now see coffee ladies, snack vendors, and other commercial activities.

After a slender August and early September, the guesthouse schedule is filling up again. Peter Ferris has come to take our place, and his energy is contagious. He was quick to help us finish up our to-do list, rearrange the managers quarters, and brighten up the hallway and sitting area. He will stay until Christmas, when Bob and Robin Sloan, from Fort Worth, will take over the guesthouse manager position. There are still some holes in the schedule before Christmas, and March and April have room for groups. And, there is still an opening for a guesthouse manager couple or two, to fill in the schedule so everyone can trade off the work. Do you know someone who would be good? Refer them to John Talbird, the chairman of the HSC board.

As many of you know, John and I have been back in the USA for about a week. It is good to be back and we are really enjoying a rest, and looking forward to a hometown grandchild at any moment. We are feeling optimistic about the hospital, and satisfied with our year in Haiti. During our time in Haiti, we were aware of and thankful for the prayers offered on our behalf. We were surprised during the blessing service, by being presented with a plaque thanking us for our work, and surprised again, by a birthday party for Suzi that evening! We have left a lot of friends behind, and are grateful for all the people who shared our vision and hopes for the hospital. The blessing service was a moment of closure and thanksgiving. Dr. Memnon, the director, and the other staff leadership of the hospital are determined to make the hospital a good one. Of course, the hospital has only just opened. We would like to see the hospital build a reputation for being a superior medical provider for everyone in and around Leogane. This will take time, and a continued commitment on the hospital’s part to its mission. And we would like to see a renewed commitment of support for the ongoing financial needs of the hospital. Please continue your prayers for the hospital, for Dr. Memnon, and the other staff. We hope to return one day to a thriving, caring, sustainable hospital.



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